Sound from Formosa 100 Jahre R.O.C. Taiwan


To connect the emotions between Europe and Asia, music notes pave a new silk road to the international global communication

Europe and Asia, geographically located in different regions, developed a rich and beautiful culture individually. Yet they are in fact connected to each other. Long ago, Europe and Asia economically and socially communicated with each other through the silk road and their cultural development stimulated each other and turned them into colorful and local art assets. Due to the outspread connection of their geography and history, the idea of an art festival to improve their communication has occurred. This is the main reason why the Eurasia Culture and Art Exchange Association began. By a series of interviews with our music new stars, performances of main theme music concerts, music workshops, and discovery of new stars, we hope that art and cultural activities can let more music lovers acquire the vision of the world and our art and cultural activities international, with the help of these private associations.

Through the inspiration of parental music education we want to improve the relationship, and acquire cultural care and inspection of the world for the children

There were four main targets for Eurasia's perform plans in 2007:

A. Build a music community.
B. International cultural communication.
C. Promotion of art.
D. Care for the society.

It is obvious that Eurasia not only carries the mission of music promotion, but also the very origin of the art promotion education. Education is the basement of everything. We should start education for our children when they are still young and flexible. We need to educate both the children and their parents. And children are very important as medium. Eurasia not only promotes the idea of music education, but also cares about the society, hoping that the parents can be with their kids to enjoy the happiness of music, learning the good side of humanity by music, and helping the kids to have a wider view of the world by international activities like tour to Vienna.

To bring Taiwanese music to Europe, let Taiwanese music shine in the world and become a great feast for the globe

Beginning in Vienna, Austria, then Paris, France Eurasia Chamber Orchestra will this year continue to lead the Eurasia Chamber Orchestra, Eurasia Chamber Orchestra youth, and the Eurasian Choir to a concert tour to Frankfurt, Berlin, and Stuttgart, Germany. We hope that through international cultural exchanges to promote the beauty of Taiwan's music to enhance the development of Taiwan's music.

"Eurasia Cultural and Arts Exchange Association of R.O.C."


a non-profit social organization established in February 2004, according to the law of rules of the Ministry of Interior. The first chief director, Huang, Chih-Hui, is conducting MA at the University for Music and Performing Art, Vienna, and works as chief conductor of the Eurasia Orchestra Vienna, and the Eurasia Orchestra Taipei. The association's supervisors and directors are elites from all aspects. The association invited CEO of Nishinihon Eizai Co., Ltd. Taiwan branch,, Chang, Fang-Ming, composer Mr. Schermann, and legislator Dr. Bauer as consultants for the association.


a. To improve international interchange of art and culture between Taiwan and other Asian as well as European countries.
b. To hold and participate in activities and seminars concerning the culture of Europe and Taiwan c. To do the entrusted service from the government and informal groups
d. To impel the cross-strait related activities of culture and art
e. Other tasks concerning interchange of art and culture between Asia and Europe

Eurasia Chamber Orchestra

Eurasia Chamber Orchestra, which has always aimed to improve international culture cooperation as well as improving local development of music, hopes to console the lost and bewildered minds in the atmosphere of global depression through the power of music. In addition, internationally noted soloists are invited to join us, with the hope to achieve the spirit of "Global Village" by offering the greatly disturbed society some freshness through the influence of music.

Das [Eurasia Chamber Orchestra Wien] wurde von Frau Magister Huang im Jahr 1991 in Wien während ihres Studiums zur Dirigentin an der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Wien, gegründet. Im Jahr 1997 nach ihrer Heimkehr lädet sie talentierte junge Musiker ein. Sie beschäfftigen sich gemeinsam mit der Förderung der lokalen Musikentwicklung, und sie beteiligt sich aktiv am internationalen kuturellen Austausch für diese Zwecke. Seitdem gibt es regelmässige Vorstellungen an der National Concert Hall. Im Anblick des jetzigen weltweiten Abschwungs bemühen wir uns, trotz des Verlusts, durch die Kraft der Musik, die Herzen der Menschen zu erfrischen.